W2 Professorship for Metabolic health of livestock animals
Published on: 19.11.2024
The University of Bonn is an international research university with a wide education and research profile. With a 200-year history, approximately 31,500 students, more than 6,000 staff, and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and is recognized as a university of excellence.
The Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences at the University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for a full
W2 Professorship for Metabolic health of livestock animals
to be filled at the earliest possible date.
The professorship is part of the Institute of Animal Sciences (ITW).
Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences
31st January 2025
Starting date
earliest possible date
The applicant is expected to be internationally recognized in the field of metabolic physiology of livestock. A significant contribution to the understanding of systemic and molecular adaptation processes to animal performance is expected. The research focus can be in areas relevant to metabolic health such as nutritional physiology and digestive system, energy metabolism, organ metabolism, molecular signaling, endocrinology, reproduction, immunology, and/or microbiome-host interaction. Both ruminants and non-ruminants can be considered as target species.
The need for low-emission and efficient production of high-quality food of animal origin to ensure food security for the world's population and to address the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss creates trade-offs with animal health and welfare. For example, the significant increase in animal performance has increased the incidence of production diseases.
We expect a proven visibility in the research literature on the above-mentioned topics through peer-reviewed publications in national/international journals, the successful acquisition and implementation of third-party funded projects, active participation in the self-administration tasks of the university as well as pedagogical aptitude and experience in university teaching.
In addition, a forward-looking contribution to the ability to connect to the profile-forming research focuses of animal sciences (http://www.itw.uni-bonn.de) is expected. In the relevant topics of land use, resource efficiency, environmental compatibility and animal welfare as well as food safety and quality, active interdisciplinary cooperation is expected with working groups of the Institute of Animal Sciences, the faculty, the transdisciplinary research areas of the university (TRA “Innovation and Technology for a Sustainable Future” and “Life and Health”) as well as national and international agricultural research institutions with regard to existing and future research networks.
In teaching, the professorship is involved in the Bachelor's degree courses in Agricultural Sciences and Nutrition and Food Sciences as well as the Master's degree course in Animal Sciences.
The conditions of employment are according to §36 Hochschulgesetz NRW.
Diversity and equal opportunity
Die Universität Bonn fördert aktiv die Vielfalt und Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeitenden und ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Anteil von Frauen in Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen und deren Karrieren besonders zu fördern. Um die Heterogenität der Gesellschaft als Querschnitt abzubilden, begrüßt die Universität ausdrücklich Bewerbungen von weiteren Personen, die von Diskriminierung betroffen sind, darunter BIPoCs sowie Menschen mit Rassismuserfahrungen, genderdiverse und queere Personen. Die Bewerbung geeigneter Menschen mit nachgewiesener Schwerbehinderung und diesen gleichgestellten Personen ist ebenfalls ausdrücklich erwünscht. Alle Bewerbungen werden in Übereinstimmung mit dem Landesgleichstellungsgesetz behandelt.