Uni Bonn to go! Simply install the Actionbound app, and off you go
The University of Bonn is big, with hundreds of institutes, departments, clinics, libraries, lecture halls and central units spread all over the city. Take a look around the Palace of the Prince-Elector and discover the students’ favorite spots. Play live on site or remotely from wherever you are in the world.
The Actionbound app lets you discover the University in a fun way. Almost all bounds are available in both German and English.
Simply download the Actionbound app from your app store, search “Uni Bonn” and off you go. You can either download the tours in advance or play them “live” on site using your phone’s data allowance.

City Campus East
Our City Campus has a lot to offer: aesthetically appealing chip design, prestigious degree programs and thought-provoking architecture inspiring changing perspectives. And of course let's not forget the University’s largest library: the Bonn University and State Library, or USL.
German, English

Endenich Campus
There’s a lot going on in Endenich. The Endenich Campus hosts institutes and departments of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences such as Chemistry and Pharmacy as well as space for technology units and start-ups. Beyond that you’ll also discover a number of student dormitories on your walk.
German, English

Poppelsdorf Campus
Take a stroll across the Poppelsdorf Campus with its new lecture hall center. This is where the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Agriculture are based. What a contrast between the state-of-the-art buildings on one hand and Poppelsdorf Palace and the Gründerzeit-era buildings around the corner on the other! See for yourself.
German, English

From Palace to Palace
The University of Bonn boasts not one but two palaces: the spacious Electoral Palace in the city center and the baroque Poppelsdorf Palace with its Botanic Gardens. The two are linked by the majestic Poppelsdorfer Allee. In this bound, you will discover the institutes, departments and units located on the way from palace to palace.
German, English

A Day as a Student
You've always wanted to know what a typical day in a University student’s life looks like? You're wondering whether Bonn is the right University for you? Then pick the “A Day as a Student” Bound and virtually follow one of two students as you learn about the daily routine at the University of Bonn.
German, English

Youth University glossary quiz (Junge Uni-Lexikon Quiz)
Have you seen our Youth University glossary yet? If not, you’ll find it here. If so, fantastic! Why not test your knowledge of the University’s lingo, terminology and quirks in our Youth University glossary quiz? The quiz comes in several versions, so it can be enjoyed by various age groups.

Universe of the Faculties
Are you a high school student wondering whether and what you would like to study?
In this virtual bound offered by our Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service, you will get to know the universe of the faculties and - via the interactive "planetarium" - get an overview of the courses offered at the University of Bonn.
Dr. Andrea Grugel
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
Anne Catherine Friedsam
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn