Fall Break Program

During the fall break in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB) of the University of Bonn offers extended orientation services for prospective students. In workshops, open office hours, or during an autumn hike from campus to campus, high school students can learn a variety of things about the University of Bonn, and receive information about further orientation options.

As the maximum number of participants is limited, we ask you to please register in advance. For more details, please refer to the respective event.


Registration and dates


October 2, 2023 to October 14, 2023 (program details to follow)


To be confirmed per event

Study guidance events
Online-Gruppenberatung Human- und Zahnmedizin
Online (Zoom)
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
In der Online-Gruppenberatung erklärt Ihnen das Team der Zentralen Studienberatung das Bewerbungs-, Vergabe- und Zulassungsverfahren (für ...
Für Eltern: Studienorientierung informiert begleiten
Meckenheimer Allee 166, ...
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Wir möchten Eltern von Studieninteressierten dabei unterstützen, informierte Begleiter*innen für ihr Kind zu sein. Die Informationsveranstaltung gibt einen ...

Drop-in on-site counseling service

October 11th, 2 - 4 pm

Poppelsdorfer Allee 49, 2nd flloor (show on Google Maps)

No need to register; please be prepared to wait for a while.

Avatar Habermann

Ina Habermann

Avatar Herrmann

Kathrin Herrmann

Avatar Ruwoldt-Schwerin

Dr. Lena Ruwoldt-Schwerin

(currently on maternal leave)

Wird geladen