Search results You are only searching within this website. To find search results for other University of Bonn websites, such as those of the faculties or institutes, please use a search engine. 4805 items matching your search terms. Filter the results Item type Select All/None Tiles-Seite EasyForm Event Person Register Person Business Card News Study course New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Certificate Program for Further Training In Workshops, Reflexionsangeboten und kollegialen Hospitationen erhalten Sie Anregungen, Orientierung und Methoden für Ihr Lehrkonzept und können sich mit ... Located in Research and Teaching / … / During your Doctoral Studies (R1) / Qualification Certificate Doctorate plus & Add-on The certificate Doctorate plus can be acquired by doctoral students from the University of Bonn in the following tracks: Research, Research Management, ... Located in Research and Teaching / … / During your Doctoral Studies (R1) / Qualification During Your Doctoral Studies Within the framework of the Argelander Competence Center, the University of Bonn offers doctoral students a combination of in-depth training, personalized ... Located in Research and Teaching / Doctoral Students and Postdocs Joint PhD Guide Die Universität Bonn bietet Doktorand*innen neben Promotionsstipendien weitere fachspezifische und fachübergreifende Fördermöglichkeiten, von denen sie ... Located in Research and Teaching / Doctoral Students and Postdocs / Considering a Doctorate Offers for International Doctoral Students Information for international doctoral students on planning and preparing their stay in Bonn as well as support offerings for the time of their doctoral studies Located in Research and Teaching / Doctoral Students and Postdocs / Considering a Doctorate First Steps towards a Doctorate Find out which type of doctorate suits you, which prerequisites and requirements apply and which formal steps need to be taken into account before you enroll ... Located in Research and Teaching / Doctoral Students and Postdocs / Considering a Doctorate Study and Examination Management Die Fakultäten verantworten die inhaltliche und organisatorische Ausgestaltung der Studien- und Prüfungsverwaltung sowie die elektronische Abbildung im CMS. Located in Research and Teaching / Support for Researchers and Teachers Funding for Teaching Die Universität unterstützt das Engagement ihrer Lehrenden, sich den Anforderungen der kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung ihrer Lehre sowie curricularer ... Located in Research and Teaching / Support for Researchers and Teachers Support for Teachers Uni Bonn fördert Qualifizierungsveranstaltungen, Austausch zwischen den Lehrenden sowie infrastrukturelle Gelingensbedingungen zur Lehrgestaltung. Located in Research and Teaching / Support for Researchers and Teachers Calls for Proposals by the University of Bonn Funding lines by the University of Bonn to support collaborative research projects with our partner universities as well as grants and stipends for ... Located in Research and Teaching / Support for Researchers and Teachers / Research Funding < Previous 10 items 1 ... 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 Next 10 items >