Participation in International Conferences
As part of the Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers, the University of Bonn awards grants to support postdoctoral researchers’ active participation in conferences, summer schools, workshops etc. with international character. The aim of this funding line is to support researchers in building international networks.
Applications can be submitted electronically at any time via the linked application form. A review takes place quarterly at the following deadlines:
March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
Funding Conditions
All postdoctoral researchers at the University of Bonn who are temporarily employed and do not have their own third-party funds for research travel are eligible to apply for funding.
Argelander International Conference Grants include:
- Travel allowance according to DAAD standards [available in German only] - for in-person participation
- Accommodation allowance according to DAAD standards [available in German only] (up to five days, depending on duration of conference) - for in-person participation
- Conference and abstract fees - for in-person or online participation
Funding amounts are determined according to destination country, not actual costs. Travels within Germany to conferences with international character will be reimbursed according to the Landesreisekostengesetz [available in German only] 5.
Funding cannot be approved retroactively, i.e. for conferences taking place prior to the respective deadline in this funding line.
Please note that for accounting reasons, we can only accept invoices for participation and abstract fees issued with the University of Bonn indicated as the invoice recipient.
Universität Bonn
Name des Institutes bzw. der Organisationseinheit
Empfohlen: Name des/r Besteller*in oder Ansprechpartner*in
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3
53113 Bonn
- Contribution of the applicant (lecture, poster etc.)
- Relevance of the participation to the academic networking and career development
- Academic CV of the applicant1
Please note, successful grantees are welcome to reapply but preference will be given to new applicants.
1 Family responsibilities, parental leave, illness and further breaks are, of course, taken into account. Please explain possible interruptions in your application.
The applications are reviewed by an interdisciplinary selection committee consisting of representatives from all participating faculties and chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmer, Vice-Rector for Research and Early-Career Researchers.
The application should include:
- Outline of your contribution as well as a brief statement of the relevance of the conference for the respective discipline. Please note that applications will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary committee and should thus be comprehensible also for reviewers from other fields.
- If available, feedback from the conference organizers or reviewers on their own contribution
- Statement concerning the relevance of the applicant’s participation in the event. This may include, for example, the relevance for personal networking and scientific career planning
- Academic CV
- Confirmation from the event organizers (may be submitted untill 4 weeks after application deadline)
The review of the applications normally takes four to six weeks from the deadline. Please refrain from any inquiries in this regard during this period of time.
Please note
When planning trips in connection with this measure, please note the current travel advice from the Federal Foreign Office (in German).
Always reflect on and check the reliability of a conference before submitting an abstract or registering for participation. This will help you avoid so-called ‘predatory conferences’, whose organisers fraudulently target early-career researchers in particular. The website Think-Check-Attend can help you with the assessment.
Dr. Robert Radu
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn
Funded by the Federal and State Governments as part of the German Excellence Strategy

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