Established in 1987, the EU Erasmus education programme provides funding to enable the European and world-wide mobility of students, doctoral students, university teachers and staff and international cooperation projects.
The Programme for Higher Education of the European Union
The academic year 2021/22 will see the start of the next generation of Erasmus+, providing flexible funding and addressing a wider number of issues. The seven-year program places a focus on the topics of inclusion and equal opportunity, digital change, the funding of the European Green Deal and increasing participation of young people in the democratic process.
33 countries will take part as “programme countries”. The 27 EU Member States will be joined by Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Great Britain has left the programme.
Participating institutions can also enter partnership and cooperation agreements with international partners from third countries.
Erasmus+ at German universities (© NA DAAD)
Bild © Erasmus_DAAD / YouTube

Erasmus+ at the University of Bonn
The University of Bonn has participated in the Erasmus+ programme for higher education since its inception in 1987. Our faculties maintain partnerships with almost 300 universities both within and outside Europe. Over 560 Bonn students and doctoral students, between 40 and 50 members of the teaching staff and an increasing number of administrative and support staff take part in the Erasmus+ programme every year. In return, some 300 international students come to the University of Bonn through the Erasmus+ programme. The University of Bonn also takes part in Erasmus Mundus master’s degree programmes and cooperation projects in Key Action KA 2.
The University has set itself the target of increasing mobility and participation in cooperation projects in the next Erasmus+ programme generation.
Students (Incomings)
(Outgoings study and internships)
Erasmus+ Partnerships (2024)
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education outlining the principles of the programme and signed by the Rector of the University of Bonn provides the basis for our participation in the Erasmus+ programme. It enables the University of Bonn to participate in all its key actions and requires it to comply with the Erasmus+ principles. The Erasmus+ programme is implemented on the central level by the International Office and by Erasmus departmental coordinators in the individual faculties.
University code: D BONN01
University of Bonn ECHE number: 29901

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.
Students and Doctoral Students
Incomings: Study and Internships in Bonn
Erasmus+ provides international students and doctoral students with the opportunity to study at the University of Bonn or to do an internship in Bonn.
Outgoings: Study and Internships Abroad
Students and doctoral students can use Erasmus+ to study or do research at some 300 partner universities or do an internship in over 30 countries in Europe and the wider world.
Members of Staff and Teaching Staff
International Mobility for Teaching Staff
Short-term teaching mobility at a European partner university or invitations of teaching staff in order to promote internationalization of the University of Bonn.
Mobility for Staff Members
International qualification through work shadowing at European universities or other institutions and participation in Staff Weeks or English courses.
Partnerships and Cooperation Projects
Advice and support from the application to the project conclusion within the framework of Erasmus+.
Susanne Gittel-Avehounkpan
Poppelsdorfer Allee 53
53115 Bonn (Germany)
Dr. Manuela Meraner
Poppelsdorfer Allee 53
53115 Bonn (Germany)
Monique Trachsel
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)
Tina Odenthal
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)
See also
The Erasmus+ Programme for Higher Education
The official website of the European Commission for Erasmus+ and its key actions.
The Next Erasmus+ Generation 2021–2027
All the developments at a glance: information about the next generation Erasmus+ programme 2021–2027.
The National Agency in DAAD
Further information of the National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme.