Promoting international exchange

Information for Erasmus+ partner universities

The University of Bonn has very successfully participated in the Erasmus Programme for Higher Education since the program started in 1987. Our faculties maintain partnerships with nearly 300 universities within and outside Europe. Our goal: to increase our mobility figures through cooperation projects within the current Erasmus+ Programme generation of 2021–2027.

Erasmus+ is an EU education program designed to promote worldwide academic exchange and collaboration. Student, teacher and staff exchange opportunities within Europe (with ‘Programme countries’) are one pillar of the program, exchanges outside of Europe (with ‘partner countries’) the other.

Universities of Programme countries are able to implement Erasmus+ program lines with the University of Bonn without limitation, including the European Mobility program (KA 131) and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. The Erasmus Worldwide program (International Credit Mobility KA 171) and cooperation projects (KA 2) create a partnership framework for universities of partner countries.

European Mobility (KA 131)

Is your university, faculty or institute located in an Erasmus+ Programme country and interested in cooperating with the University of Bonn, or a partnership is already in place? Here you can find key information on Erasmus exchanges with the University of Bonn.

Information and contacts

Please contact the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator at the University of Bonn responsible for the field of study concerned. Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements can only be concluded via EWP after consultation with the according Erasmus departmental coordinator at the University of Bonn. Please do not send any agreement proposals via EWP beforehand. 
Please contact the International Office for further assistance with any questions.

Erasmus Departmental Coordinators

A current list of Erasmus+ partner universities in the 33 different Programme countries is provided in our search engine for international exchange cooperation.

Find Erasmus+ partner universities

Staff Mobility of Teaching opportunities exist within the existing framework of Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements. If interested, please contact the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator responsible for your academic field.

Erasmus Departmental Coordinators

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Non-academic staff of Erasmus partner universities of the University of Bonn can come to the University of Bonn for so-called study visits. Please send your requests, clearly stating your field of activity and your areas of interest and possible time periods, if possible 3-6 months in advance to


Information on the conclusion of digital Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements via Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) within KA 131

The University of Bonn is connected to the EWP network via the Mobility-Online platform and is ready to exchange the digital Inter-Institutional Agreements.

Our Erasmus Departmental Coordinators were in contact with your university/ your departmental coordinators in summer/ fall 2021 to coordinate the agreement data for Erasmus agreements for 2022/23 onwards; this data will flow into the digital agreements. Please contact your Erasmus Departmental Coordinators if you do not have any agreement data on file centrally.

Worldwide Mobility (KA 171)

Is your university, faculty or institute located in one of the 33 Programme countries and interested in cooperating with the University of Bonn, or a partnership is already in place?

The Erasmus+ Programme for exchange with universities from partner countries (International Credit Mobility KA 171) is project-based. For any questions you may have, please contact the Erasmus departmental coordinator responsible for the field of study in question at the University of Bonn.

An updated list of our partner universities within the framework of this Programme can be found in the search engine for international exchange cooperation.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

Consortia of three or more higher education institutions can apply within the framework of Erasmus Mundus Action to develop and offer a joint master’s degree program. Please contact the relevant University of Bonn department if you are interested in Erasmus Mundus Action partnership.

Once the specifics have been determined, the University of Bonn International Study Programs office (section 6.3, part of the International Office) gets involved to assist the consortium with the application process and all other organizational steps necessary to offer a joint master’s degree program.

Cooperation projects (KA 2)

The University of Bonn has a cooperation policy in place which is bottom-up in design, in that the respective departments/ institutes themselves decide what cooperation projects if any they wish to engage in. If interested in a cooperation project with the University of Bonn, please contact the responsible departments/ institutes directly.

The Partnerships and International Researchers section (6.1) of the International Office assists University of Bonn departments with the structuring of cooperation agreements. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Avatar Gittel-Avehounkpan

Susanne Gittel-Avehounkpan

Erasmus+ Coordinator for KA 131, European Mobility


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Avatar Meraner

Dr. Manuela Meraner

Erasmus+ Coordinator for KA 171, Worldwide Mobility


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Avatar Trachsel

Monique Trachsel

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Avatar Odenthal

Tina Odenthal

Erasmus+ Coordinator for KA 2, Cooperation Projects


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

© EU

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.

See also

The Erasmus+ Programme for Higher Education

The official website of the European Commission for Erasmus+ and its key actions.

The Next Erasmus+ Generation 2021–2027

All the developments at a glance: information about the next generation Erasmus+ programme 2021–2027.

The National Agency in DAAD

Further information of the National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme.

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