23. März 2022

Auslandspraktikum in Taiwan: National Applied Research Laboratories Auslandspraktikum in Taiwan

National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) will be offering internship opportunities to foreign undergraduate, master and PhD students in 2022. Through this program, NARLabs intends to provide scholarship to students, who’re interested in a hands-on research and practical experience at one of NARLabs’ research centers. The goal of the program is to intro-duce students to scientific and technological development in Taiwan.

Application is opened for students working on the 4 fields, including (1) Earth & Environment, (2) Information & Communication Technology, (3) Biomedical Technology, (4) Science & Tech-nology Policy.

Title: National Applied Research Laboratories Internship Program

Place: Taiwan

Duration: full-time 8-week program

Organisation: NARLabs

For further information, please click here.


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